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  • ifibrPEOPLE
    ifibrPEOPLE - The effect occurs by itself after a few days.
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Ipoh GmbHAuen-Süduferstraße 679220 Velden, Austria

Pho.: +43 4274 2821Fax: +43 4274 2821-4Mail: officeno@spamifibr.comWeb:


ifibr® is a unique product that has been developed to improve your quality of life. It is based on the use of our high-tech fiber, which is the main component of ifibr® products. This fiber has proven to be effective and efficient in improving health and quality of life.
ifibr2go is a practical and portable option to improve your health and quality of life in the size 30 x 30 cm (mini) or 40 x 60 cm (maxi). You can take it anywhere and use it all over your body.


The product is simple to use:

Place your ifibr2go directly on your body, no matter where. The effect sets in automatically after a short time. You may feel an initial tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth, but this should stop after a few days. These are good signs that your body is responding to our product. ifibr® has no contraindications or side effects. Try it out and see for yourself how ifibr® can help you get the restful sleep you need.


This innovative product relieves pain and tension in a natural way. This is also confirmed by science! Ifibr2go consists of carbon, silver threads, silicon crystals, minerals and wool, which in this combination have a therapeutic effect. It is breathable so that it can be used without hesitation.

If you purchase IFIBR People or IFIBR Hygienic, you will also receive our IFIBR2go in the size 30 x 30 cm, which you can take anywhere and use on the body.

This makes it a practical and wearable option for improving your health and quality of life.