IFIBR - Improve your quality of life.
For the sake of your life!
Ipoh GmbHAuen-Süduferstraße 679220 Velden, Austria
Pho.: +43 4274 2821Fax: +43 4274 2821-4Mail: officeno@spamifibr.comWeb: www.ifibr.com
IFIBR - Improve your quality of life.
For the sake of your life!
IFIBR is a unique technology designed to improve your quality of life. This technology is based on the use of a high-tech fiber, which is the main component of IFIBR products. This fiber has been shown to be effective and efficient in improving health and quality of life.
The use of IFIBR products is simple and free of any side effects. The unique high-tech fiber that, as the main component of our IFIBR products, has amazed many experts and patients with its effectiveness and efficiency!
IFIBR products are designed to improve your health without you having to make an effort. Ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology have been successfully combined at the highest scientific level to create a product that can change your life!
Light is the origin of all life. It is also the source of vitality for you. If you suffer from a lack of light, problems such as vitamin deficiencies, back and joint pain, menstrual problems, headaches and migraines arise.
But what happens in the body?
Due to changes in the connective tissue, the metabolism and cell communication is disturbed and the important cell radiation - i.e. the light - can hardly be passed on. Our body sends us pain as an alarm signal! By taking painkillers, we ignore the problem and merely relieve the symptoms.
Our unique IFIBR products, have a targeted positive effect on cell radiation, in that the silicon crystals they contain reflect cell radiation in the infrared range and return it to the body. These crystals are obtained from an ancient South Korean healing earth, which has been said to have healing effects for centuries.
In a specially developed process, the crystals are processed into a liquid and finally extracted into our high-tech fiber - the basis for all IFIBR products.
IFIBR - Improve your quality of life.